Phragmites australis
As I mentioned in my mini-FAQ post, the state of the wetlands near Hastings Drive are a disgrace: " That is why we are shocked and appalled at the management of the Big Creek Marsh by the Canadian Wildlife Service. Phragmites australis has invaded the whole of the marsh – when I was a child one could see open water – but now it is nothing but a green desert. Research the devastating effects of phragmites . We care, and we are the stewards of our land. We can manage it better than anyone else." Hastings Drive is right below the Big Creek National Wildlife Area (map of Big Creek NWA ). These wetlands are in terrible shape, being choked out by the invasive phragmites. How bad is it? Nothing can live there (other than phragmites). Other bad things about phragmites: visual obstruction as it can grow up to 18 feet tall; recreational impacts as the reeds are not passable by animal or human; it's a serious fire hazard; ...