RV/Trailer by-law sadly appealed -- "Thrasher" cover by Woody Hamel

The LPRCA had a meeting last Wednesday to discuss whether to appeal the new bylaw. We the landowners had a representative present who was voted allowed to speak. The LPRCA employee voted that she should not be allowed to speak and it became clear as to why. This employee spent her time back stepping with great difficulty answering the questions our representative presented. The most important question is why we cannot rebuild should we want to when there is the technology etc. to do so in an environmentally friendly way. 

This again confirms that the LPRCA wants the land. Again the LPRCA needs to work with the landowners and face reality. Change is coming to Hastings Drive and they can either be part of the solution or continue to be part of the problem and reach defeat. Another problem with this is that the government already owns 85% of the land in Ontario. So why when they are not doing an adequate job at managing their own land, do they need to try and take the small amount that is privately owned? The reason that expropriation by sterilization of the land is believed to be going on is that there are hurricane houses such as Deltec who have not lost a house since they began over 45 years ago. 

We can build safely, and environmentally friendly on Hastings Drive and since they continue to prevent us from doing that the only logical explanation is that they want the land. 

The other piece to this problem is that the few remaining cottages on Hastings drive have in some cases changed hands over the years. A very few of the cottage owners bought with their own understanding that the vacant lot owners will never be back. Well surprise if anyone thinks people are not coming for their land! This is a subdivision. So a few people have made it their mission to complain and cause problems for the trailer folk by screaming about nature. It’s funny because, to the best of my knowledge, none of the complainers have any background in the natural sciences. This is why it is probably the fact that they would like to prevent the landowners from being able to use their land so that they can have full access to it and use it. This to me is such a disgraceful example of humanity behaving badly, and it absolutely disgusts me that these people have no remorse in causing us problems and don’t have it in them to show support for their fellow human beings. 

This story is my opinion as to what has been going on and is also believed by the many people who are trying to get their landowner rights back. The public and 99% of Hastings Drive support our drive to restore our landowner rights on Hastings Drive. Landowner rights need to be restored and the wrongs of the past need to be made right. We are not going anywhere. Great change has always come from the people and not the government. I have always said we have a right to nature, our children have a right to nature. In order to combat climate change people need to be encouraged to be a part of nature instead of legislation like the species at risk where they remove people from nature. The fact is that the only way to combat climate change is for people to be a part of nature and not separated from nature which the government is doing. If we don’t address climate change the species they claim to be protecting will not survive. So we on Hastings need to be in harmony with nature as a model for the world. Hastings Drive is our family’s piece of nature and we will be the best stewards of the land. 

We will continue to take care of our piece of nature and we are not going anywhere!


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